Aeration of water bodies

The productivity of a pond depends on various factors, from water quality to oxygen levels. The pond needs to be constantly maintained, cleaned, and cared for in terms of its flora and fauna.

Kaip žinia, daugeliui iškyla klausimas: „O kaip išsaugoti žuvis po ledu?“. Dauguma žuvų augintojų mano, kad būtina nuvalyti sniegą, tada saulė atgaivins tvenkinio augaliją, kuri gamins deguonį. Bet užtenka keletos apsiniaukusių dienų ir vėl tvenkinio augalai apmirs. Eketėmis tvenkinio vandens deguonimi taip pat neprisodrinsi. Jos bematant užsitraukia ledu. Eketė gali būti naudinga tik tiek, kiek pro ją į vandenį patenka šviesos. Geriausias sprendimas išsaugoti žuvis žiemą – vandens aeravimas (prisotinimas deguonimi).

Vasarą aeratoriai yra naudojami vandens prisotinimui deguonimi, kai nėra pakankamo deguonies kiekio vandenyje. Žiemą aeratoriai padeda išgyventi žuvims – jie naudojami vandens ventiliavimui karpinių žuvų auginimo vietose, o svarbiausia, jie naudojami vandens telkinių oro prisotinimui. 


How do aerators work?

Functions performed by water aerators include: aeration, oxidation, degassing, circulation, stratification, foam removal, and cleaning of water and the bottom.
  • Water aerators blow a large amount of tiny air bubbles into the water at a regulated height (0.5 to 2 meters). 
  • By swirling, it mixes air and oxygen into the water.
  • At sufficient depth, aeration neutralizes contaminating elements. 
  • The aerator ensures better oxygen delivery to the water. It can supply pure oxygen without dispersion at distances ranging from 0.5 to 8 meters.
  • The aerator removes harmful gases from the water.
  • By creating a horizontal water current and a vertical air flow in the water, the aerator prevents all types of stratification, preserving a stable ecosystem.
  • The water aerator prevents the formation of gas pockets.
  • Depending on the size of the pond, the power of the aerator and the air blower are selected. For example, a 60 W membrane air blower can deliver about 60 liters per minute of air.
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Pastaba: Note: To effectively save fish, action is needed when the oxygen level drops to no less than 2.5 mg/l. After that, it may be too late. Additionally, the results will be positive only in small bodies of water of a few ares or hectares. In lakes that cover hundreds of hectares, increasing the flow rate may be the only effective measure.

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